Re: [orca-list] Orca and Twitter website bugs

Hi again.

Orca master's presentation of the twitter timeline should be fixed. At
least from my testing, what Orca is saying now matches what NVDA is
saying. Including what happens when you press "." (dot): At least for
me, NVDA doesn't present the first tweet if you're already on it; only
if you move to it from elsewhere on the timeline.


On 11/19/2015 03:47 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Thanks for the report. I'll see what I can do on the repeating and
order. With respect to the "." (dot), for me Orca reads the first tweet
unless I'm already on the first tweet. Orca doesn't present your
location if it hasn't changed.


On 11/19/2015 03:20 PM, Alex ARNAUD wrote:
Hi everybody! Since the beginning of the week I've decided to use Twitter.
I'm trying to use Orca with the Twitter webapps and native shortcuts
provided by the site itself.

I noticed few issues when we switch to next tweet with letter "j" :
- Orca doesn't announce re tweet informations.
- Orca read meta data (number of retweet, like, ETC) before the tweet
- Orca repeat some part of the content
- When I refresh the time line with "." (dot) the first tweet isn't read.

I've tried with FIrefox 38 on Debian Testing with Orca 3.18 and master.
All the issues doesn't appear on Windows with NVDA.

Best regards.


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