Re: [orca-list] Orca crashing with at-spi 2.16 but not 2.18

Hey B.H.

Did you install AT-SPI2 2.18 from package or from git? The reason I ask
is that it appears some crash fixes have been committed to at-spi2-core
since 2.18.1 was released. I'm curious if those crash fixes fix our problem.

On a related note, I'm going to add something to poll for at-spi2
crashes so we hopefully won't get tripped up by them.

Thanks for the info!

On 11/07/2015 01:10 AM, B. Henry wrote:
I've been using 2.17 versions from git that came out a bit before 2.18 with no particualar unusual negative 
events. I just installed  
2.18 to check, and indeed started 
having firefox problems. 
I stupidly forgot to build a backup of the prelease versions I was running, so now will have to downgrade 
all the way back to 2.16 I guess, but looks 
like this is  common if not universal.  

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