Re: [orca-list] Fwd: Problems with Sonar and BRLTTY

Hello Peter,

Many thanks. I surely don't have the ability to go about making all these changes (I'm still pretty much a Windows user, wanting to migrate, but still not quite there...), but with you instructions and a little help from my family I should make it.
Thanks again. I'll report back when I'm done.

Il 02/11/2015 13:29, Peter Vágner ha scritto:

I apologize for not reading sonar support list regularly, otherwise I
might have posted correct answer earlier.

I guess really the issue is with the fact orca assumes your X server
running on VT7. Orca needs to communicate this to brltty. On Arch linux
and derivatives GDM 3 starts on first free virtual console that is VT1
in most cases. It might be similar on sonar as well I guess.
To change this in orca, create or open a file
and put the following content to the bottom of that file.

import orca.settings
orca.settings.tty = 1

Doing it this way is easier as setting up GDM to spawn X on another
console requires rebuild of GDM package.

Also have you added your user to the brlapi group and does a file
/etc/brlapi.key exist on your system? This allows orca to talk to brltty.



On 02.11.2015 at 10:50 Mallard wrote:
Hello list,

I'm posting here a message I sent to the Sonar Support list, because
Kendell suggested it might be a metter requiring investigation on the
part of Orca people...

Thanks in advance for your help.


Hello all,

After some struggling, we managed to install Sonar 2015.4 on my pc.

Unfortunately, I can't work without braille, so I tried to launch BRLTTY.

It detects my braille display, and works correctly in consoles, but not
with Orca, although braille is enabled in Orca Preferences.

My husband found a post on the BRLTTY forum, where someone reports the
same kind or problem in Arch. The person says that he discovered that
the problem is due to Arch starting in Console 1, while Orca starts in
Console 7. By having Arch start in Console 7, the problem was solved.

Sounds interesting, but... Does anyone know whether it is the same with
Sonar and, in this case, how do I have Sonar start in Console 7?

Thsnks, ciao,

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