[orca-list] your espeak/pulseaudio issue

hi there,
in default.pa,
locate the line,
load-module module-udev-detect
append this at the end,  tsched=0
so it will look like this.
load-module module-udev-detect tsched=0
so after udev-detect you put a space then tsched=0
this has helped me with the audio snipping and it speaking very fast
makeing the speach not audable
please could you reply back telling me if it works?
just to recap,
load-module module-udev-detect tsched=0

fyi, here is what tsched=0 does.
tsched Since 0.9.11. Use system-timer based model (aka glitch-free).
Defaults to 1 (enabled). If your hardware does not return accurate
timing information (e.g. Creative sound cards) you can try to set
tsched=0 to enable the interupt based timing which was used in 0.9.10
and before.

Majid Hussain

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