[orca-list] notifications problem

Dear friends,
I have small problem in Fedora and notifications. I don't use gnome-tweak tool, I use fedora in default setup. I can access notifications from pidgin etc, but when I hide all windows and when I am at gnome default focus view, I lost all informations about all outdated and incoming notifications. Friends can go online, vlc can change media file, but I can't get this info with orca. When I want to hear last notifications, I set keys for these actionsin preferences, orca lost information about all outdated and new notifications, but I never get message about blank notifications message, orca is silent. To get it to work again, I must restart orca, but when I hide all windows, the problem is back. Orca 3.14.3 with gnome 3.14 in Fedora 21-5.
Thank you,
Pavel V

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