[orca-list] Master branch of Orca skypping orca-customizations.py file defined keybindings in the Web script?

Hi Joanie,

I doesn't follow up yet in Orca list the latest master branch of Orca related changes, only I updated source tree in Git repository. If I using Firefox with latest master branch of Orca version, my orca-customizations.py defined functions related keybindings some time is not executed. If I Restarting Orca and the focus lands the Firefox window, everithing works perfect, but if I do a window switch the issue is happening again. Reproducation steps if anybody using an orca-customizations.py file defined function keybinding:
1. Launch Firefox.
2. Goto learn mode, and press the orca-customizations.py file defined function keybinding. Usual this step executed right before not doing any window switch and the focus not landing again the Firefox window. If the keybinding actually not working, exit the learn mode, restart Orca and repeat the test. If the defined keybinding is working, do a window switch and try execute the keybinding the proper function.

If need, I will reporting this issue in Bugzilla, generate a full debug and will attaching a little orca-customizations.py file.


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