Re: [orca-list] strange behaviour when using down arrow in a page

Hi Joanie.
I can reproduce and I'll send a debug file in PVT.

On 06/08/2015 05:01 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hey José.

I'm not seeing this myself with Orca. And I certainly don't see that
many blank lines visually. If it is something you can reliably
reproduce, I'll take a look at a debug.out.


On 06/08/2015 03:03 PM, José Vilmar Estácio de Souza wrote:
Hi all.
Probably this is not a bug but I decided to report in the list.

To reproduce try the following steps:
1. Launch firefox and go to

2. After the page is loaded press alt+shift+k, choose the link 'show 2
more comments' and press the enter key.

3. Press down arrow many times.
In my environment orca reads nothing.
If I press the down arrow about 100 times, orca reads the continuation
of the page and if I press up arrow about 100 times, orca reads the link
'show 2 more comments'.

It seems that there are 100 blank lines between the two parts of text.
Is it possible?
The problem happens with orca from master and orca 3.16.2.

José Vilmar Estácio de Souza

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