Re: [orca-list] Get stuck opening a page

Hey Javier, José, and all.

I've just committed a couple of changes to master: One will spew out
even more debugging output for line navigation. If you are getting
stuck, please capture a full debug.out from master. Always pull first
because I keep adding debugging info to hunt these problems down.

The other commit has not yet been regression tested. I'll do that later
today. However, the change attempts to recover from Zombie parents --
which is the source of the similar bug José reported the other day. With
that second commit, I went from getting stuck all the time in the place
José mentioned to getting stuck about once every ten times. That one
time was because even more objects had gone zombie on us. I'll try to
add even more recovery code so that the one time doesn't even happen.
But in the meantime I hope that what I've added improves the situation
quite a bit. Please let me know.

--joanie (Your humble zombie hunter)

On 06/02/2015 12:42 PM, Francisco Javier Dorado wrote:
Hi José,
I am using master code too buildt in the morning.
The problem is that the bug seems to be intermitent, I am looking a way
to reproduce it but sometimes get stuck,
sometimes seems not.
I don't have

rewindAndFastForwardInSayAll enabled, didn't remember that setting.


On 02/06/15 10:54, José Vilmar Estácio de Souza wrote:

What version of orca?
I can not reproduce using orca from master.
On 06/02/2015 12:03 PM, Francisco Javier Dorado wrote:
Hi all

When I open this spanish page Orca gets stuck at first link "Portada"

1. Open firefox and control + l,
2. Press enter and wait until page loads complete.
3. Use down arrow and Orca gets stuck.

I have to say that when I alt + tab from Firefox and then come back
and use down arrow again Orca works as expected and
doesn't get stuck.


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