Re: [orca-list] Accessible Chess - Orca and XBoard

I guess I should not have updated xboard as advised as now indeed unwanted "notification" is spoken each time 
I move to a different position.
Foolish me did not make a back up of the previous xboard version.
I just pulled from git 10 minutes ago and recompiled xboard, so folks, if you patched your file 
and are not hearing notification when using 
xboard maybe delay updating xboard.


   Registerd Linux User 521886

  Nalin.x.Linux wrote:
Sun, Jul 12, 2015 at 11:07:03PM +0530

1. You SHOULD have an object whose role is status bar. This is the
   horizontally-oriented container at the bottom of the xboard window.
   That bar is NOT a notification; in any other application, that bar
   would have the role of status bar. In xboard, it should also have the
   role of status bar. By the way, Orca even has a command to read an
   application's status bar (assuming the status bar is accessible and
   has the role of status bar). By changing the status bar to role
   notification you have:

   a. Broken that Orca command's functionality for your application.

   b. Set the groundwork for potential unwanted chattiness in the future
      (which I'll explain momentarily).

   c. Made it impossible for me to filter out the word "notification"
      properly, and handling status bar notifications separately from
      desktop environment pop-up notifications.

2. You should ALSO have an object whose role is notification INSIDE (as
   in packed into) the object whose role is status bar. That object
   should have the label (whose role is label) INSIDE the notification.

   Looking at that portion of the accessible tree in Accerciser should
   result in something that looks like:

         -> ROLE_LABEL (text: "a-2 white pawn")

   If you do that you solve all of the above problems because:

   a. The Orca command which looks for the status bar will find it
      because it has the expected role.

   b. If xboard developers later add other status bar labels which
      should NOT be spoken automatically, they can do so. In Accerciser
      it might look something like:

            -> ROLE_LABEL (text: "a-2 white pawn")
         -> ROLE_PANEL
            -> ROLE_LABEL (text: "opponent is thinking")
         -> ROLE_PANEL
            -> ROLE_LABEL (text: "time elapsed: 00:25:31")

      Would you want to hear the text from all three labels each time
      you moved to a different square on the board?

      Related aside: Were I you, I'd probably add a code comment
      indicating why the status bar has a child with role notification
      so that xboard developers don't do that for non-notification
      status bar labels.

   c. I've just committed a change to Orca master which should filter
      out the word "notification" properly (i.e. NOT by having users
      use the pronunciation dictionary to set the pronunciation of that
      word to nothing). BUT that change in Orca will do this only for
      status bar notifications. It works by seeing if the object with
      role notification has an ancestor with role status bar (such as
      is shown in the sample trees above).

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

Ahh first of all I agree with you. The solution i got is as follows

GtkWidget *frame_inner = gtk_frame_new(NULL);
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(frame_inner), label);

GtkWidget *frame_outer = gtk_frame_new(NULL);
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(frame_outer), frame_inner);

AtkObject *atk_ob1;
atk_ob1 = gtk_widget_get_accessible (GTK_WIDGET(frame_inner));
AtkObject *atk_ob2;
atk_ob2 = gtk_widget_get_accessible (GTK_WIDGET(frame_outer));
label = frame_outer;

Pack(hbox, grid, label, left, left+r, top, 0);

Everything is working fine,  accessible tree in Accerciser now looks
announcing status-bar when I press the key to say status bar. Should I
make real GtkStatusbar instead of casting the frame role to

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