Re: [orca-list] urgent mate love from orca needed

Is there something interesting happening possibly leading to trying to address accessibility issues with upcoming mate release? I don't want to sound awkward or hammer anyone however I am deciding what to recommend to a friend to install on a netbook. I think the best choice would be arch linux with manually installed mate however if there is no new development on this with the nature of rolling release distro things may start breaking for that friend when these updates become stable.
The next on my list is ubuntu mate.

Thanks and greetings


On 15.12.2014 at 08:34 Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Quick follow-up. Looking at your debug.out the MATE app is not emitting
the correct events. I've put the missing events in the GNOME bug.
Hopefully that will be sufficient for the MATE developers to fix this
issue for you.


On 12/15/2014 08:24 AM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hi Kendell.

Thanks for the report. I've been in Spain for a web engines hackfest
but will be returning home tomorrow and will take a look. If the bug
is in MATE, I'll file a bug in their issue tracker.


On 12/15/2014 03:22 AM, kendell clark wrote:
hi all I'll try to make this short. Mate 1.8 is the latest stable
version and it works fine with orca. There are a few minor issues
whichI've put in a bug report. But mate 1.10 is currently in
development and as it stands is nearly unusable with orca. I
realize this is development code, but it's worrying. Mate 1.10 has
the following issues with orca. 1: the icon view in caja, the file
manager, is inaccessible. This used to be accessible in mate 1.8.
This causes the desktop to not read with orca anymore. The
backgrounds list in appearance properties  is inaccessible with
orca, instead reporting the occasional scale, horrizontal gradient,
from the control next to the list. The panel seems to have
regressed, becoming less accessible than the current stable
version. Applets that used to be announced now simply say push
button, or icon. The main menu says nothing with orca when it is
opened, unless it's not on the panel, then it says window. That's
all the new issues. The rest of the issues are issues in the
current stable version, that have carried over.  Are there any orca
developers who could take a look? The bug I've filed is at, I suspect this
is a combination of orca and mate issues. From my limited
examination of the debug logs, orca loads the gail module in mate
1.8, which is what allows it to read most of mate. In 1.10, it
loads the standard gtk module. Mate is in the process of porting
to gtk3, which will be completed in either the next stable release,
1.10 or the following, 1.12. This is why I'm asking for orca devs
to look, because as it stands it's less accessible than the current
stable version. Thanks Kendell clark
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