Re: [orca-list] auto talking arch install

Hi Fernando
That is not a silly question at all my friend.
Arch is an amazing distro, and I cannot live without it personally.
I just recommended to people who have not installed arch by hand, to not go toward automated installation of the distro. Not every system look like the same, and there is not a comprehensive installer that could install arch automatically for you. (Manjaro and antergos are excluded, because they are different distros).
So, there is a high chance that the installation would go wrong.
Beside all of that, Arch although being a very stable distro, requires a bit of attention when it comes to configurations, upgrades and maintenance. You need to have a basic understanding of the installation process, so you could have basic idea about mountpoints, fstab, partitioning, pacstrapping and other small bits of configurations. The third reason, is that one of the beauties of arch linux is its speed, and lightness, and the matter of choice. You exactly install things on it that you desire, and you have the exact track of what is on your system. with automated installers, that's not the case.


On 2/11/2015 6:19 PM, Fernando Botelho wrote:
Hi, this might be a sillly question, but please tell us why you do not recommend such installers please. Have you had a bad experience with this particular distro?


On 02/11/2015 12:07 PM, Hadi Rezaee wrote:
I strongly advise against autoinstallers for arch, unless you've installed arch manually lots of time and now you're lazy to do it over and over on different systems.

On 2/11/2015 5:22 PM, Josh K wrote:
hey I found an automatic talking arch install. link is

You have to hit enter on the file name linkk then enter on download to the computer link that will appear then. perhaps someone who has an extra hard drive or who knows what they are doing could modify this so it doesn't install a bunch of desktops we don't need? This sounds like maybe an easy distro for people who want arch but who don't feel like messing about with lots of command line stuff.


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