Re: [orca-list] OT, espeak has been forked


I would say let's people pick what they like. I still hope Jonathan Duddinkton will be able to merge some of the fixes to the original eSpeak at a later time. I am sure there is significant number of improvements already. e.g. there are loads of coverity and memory management related fixes, language data updates i.e. pronounciation dictionaries phonemes and more for american english, italian, french and perhaps even more, the additional language data for russian, cantonese and mandarin are bundled with eSpeak by default now, there are also build system related tweaks and cosmetic fixes. Big feature that's being implemented is better SSML support which will recognize many more SSML tags and compilation of language data as you have already pointed out. For the people happy to live on the bleeding edge like you and me and perhaps a few others this is great deal of changes. It is however nice to point out that not all of these changes are brand new. Auto tools support has been already introduced years ago and it has not been accepted into so called upstream eSpeak released by Jonathan Duddington.

I think we need to wait until eSpeak NG evolves a bit more.

Still I would say if you like eSpeak and you can build it then test it out and submit your tweaks, bug reports whatever you have to say.



On 15.12.2015 at 17:58 kendell clark wrote:
hi all
As some of you may or may not know, about a week or two ago, espeak was forked into a new project, called espeak-ng, for next generation. Reece dunn, the developer of espeak for android, has done this primarily because multiple people have tried reaching jonathan duddington, the main developer and have failed. Some have gone so far as to get his address in the UK, and his phone number, both of which no longer work. The conclusion is either that he is dead or no longer active, so espeak was forked. I'm writing this mainly because it looks like the upstream espeak from which espeak ng was forked from might not see much development. There have already been a ton of changes done to espeak ng that aren't in espeak, including the complete removal of espeak edit, the gui program needed to compile the phoneme data. This has been murged into the espeak program itself, so you can now do espeak --compile-phonemes and espeak --compile-intonations instead of having to use a clunky gui that has never been accessible on linux. A QT gui is planned that will make it easier to manage this stuff but it hasn't been written. I'm also wondering if we should switch over to this fork? And by we I mean all the major linux distributions. Ubuntu, vinux, sonar, arch, fedora, etc? I've already got reece dunn merging my fixes into espeak periodically, just like he does with the italian fixes, and jamie and mic from nvda have already switched over or are planning to. Espeak ng should work out of the box with speech-dispatcher as far as I know. I've not successfully built it yet, because it's still wildly in a state of flux, but it should work. We might need to modify the espeak speech-dispatcher module but I doubt it. Honestly that module needs an overhall anyway, but it isn't necessary I don't believe, since the espeak API hasn't changed much, only been added to to allow the compilation of phonemes and intonation data. The only thing that might, maybe, be necessary is a tweak to say espeak (next generation) or something to differentiate it from espeak. The main differences between espeak and espeak ng are probably not of much interest to most people, other than that you can now do the standard ./configure, make, make install steps to compile it, which the upstream espeak couldn't do.

Kendell clark

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