[orca-list] SUCCESS! Orca now talking in ArchLinux Mate.

Hello, I have Orca back and thanks for your feedback.

I ran the debug option, in the Mate terminal, and the last line indicated that the device did not have enough space. Running the --debug option, from the Mate run box, creates an empty debug...out file.

I freed up some space and started Mate. This time I heard
  screen reader started

I guess Orca was trying to create the Orca settings directory

It couldn't, so Orca did not start. The Orca preferences was there, and saving new settings confirms that Orca is back.

The settings directory was recreated when Orca started by itself, the --replace option was not necessary.

For the most part, Orca works well, I can use Firefox and Thunderbird.

There seems to be a minor problem with the speech or language. I hear extra symbols that were not there before. On starting mate, I hear:
  backward f zero, screen reader started

On cycling around, I hear:
  co jaco desktop

This is a minor thing and I consider the problem solved. I have Orca back so thanks for your suggestions.

Peter T.

On 2015-12-01 11:14 AM, Jason White wrote:
Peter Tesar <ptesar ca inter net> wrote:
I was told that a brief message appears telling me that the screen reader

While in Mate I can go into the console and speakup is working.
In the console, the process command does not show Orcarunning:
Try adding the --debug option to the Orca command that you specify at the
"run" dialogue. Then inspect the debug log that it creates.

orca-list mailing list
orca-list gnome org
Orca wiki: https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Orca
Orca documentation: https://help.gnome.org/users/orca/stable/
GNOME Universal Access guide: https://help.gnome.org/users/gnome-help/stable/a11y.html
Log bugs and feature requests at http://bugzilla.gnome.org

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