[orca-list] To help test the beeping progress bars

So the new beeping progress bars rock, but sometimes it's hard to figure out something to do on demand that 
requires a progress bar. I, therefore, have written a tiny bash app to solve this. You can change the delay 
variable at the top if you would like to see how the beeps respond to different times. The delay is in 
seconds, and can be a decimal. Attached is progress.sh.
To get the latest code for the progress bar beeps:
git clone https://github.com/chrys87/orca-beep.git
cd orca-beep
Then, for arch users:
./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var
sudo make install
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Attachment: progress.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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