Re: [orca-list] Mate Session in Arch Linux and Orca

That applet focus bug was certainly around in gnome2, so I'm assuming it's something from back there that 
continues to effect mate. I don't know if qt 
itself is at least partially to blame, but the skype indicator works fine in unity, can't remember if 
Teamtalk or Mumble show upon a unity indicator 
panel when they are running or not.

On Sat, Oct 18, 2014 at 03:46:54PM -0500, kendell clark wrote:
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I second what bh said. The applets freezing mate or not releasing
focus is a known bug. The mate devs know about this. I'm not sure if
this is amate issue, or an older gnome 2 issue carried over. It could
also be an orca issue. Since the applets that freeze the panel seem to
be nearly exclusively qt4  based, it could also be something with
No idea, but it will get fixed eventually. I don't get issues with
alt+shift key combinations, but I did have one keyboard that refused
to set orca bookmarks. The particular key combinations to set a
bookmark were being rejected by the keyboard. I got a new keyboard and
these issues stopped
Kendell clark

On 10/18/2014 12:13 PM, B. Henry wrote:
I've not had these problems, but will retest later/having hardware
issues, hopefully it's just a drop of condensation that will dry
out later today/having tropical storm fallout here/hasn't stopped
raining completely for close to two days/very high humidity. As for
the panel, you can get more information with control f1 when an
applet is in focus on your bottom panel, or where ever you said you
had your panel. There usually is nothing in the notifications area
though, at least for me this is the case. Remember that orca has
key-bindings to show current and last message, as well as one to
show a list of notifications. I have to use tab on a couple applets
because I interact with the applet instead of navigating around the
panel as usual if I use arrows. These are the volume control,
volume is changed if I use arrows when it's focused, and the
other's the alternative menu applet, think it has gnome in it's
name, says it adds some extra functionality to the default main
menus or similar in its description. The skype applet, and I am
pretty sure at least one more do not release focus once you
navigate to them, i.e. your panel becomes unreadable with orca when
these applets are focused until the application is closed and the
item leaves the panel. I have about a dozen applets altogether on
my bottom panel, which is the only panel I have for obvious
reasons. All work pretty well with orca, and this is a 64bit arch
installation. The weather applets require the control f1 keystroke
to get them to say anything useful, and you have to click on
details to get more than a short phrase like "light rain". The
timer says nothing, even after pressing control f1, but opened it
is accessible. HTH -- B.H.\

On Sat, Oct 18, 2014 at 10:48:31AM +0200, Hrvoje Kati?? wrote:
Hi everyone, I started using Mate GUI with Arch Linux, but I got
some issues. First of all, alt+shift combinations don't work in
Firefox while running in Mate, so I can't use e.g. Alt+Shift+K to
get list of links. In Gnome session, it works as it should. I
tried to rebind keystrokes, but system always captures my input
incorrectly. Let's say if I rebind it to ctrl+shift+alt+k, it
will recognize it as ctrl+alt+k. Or if I try to rebind to
ctrl+super+k, it will be recognized as super+l. So it's totally
confusing. Next, I can't access notifications tray, and I removed
top panel and left only bottom panel where I've put everything
that I need. When I get to my bottom panel, Orca in most places
speaks just Panel. BTW, I made export of all required
accessibility bridges inside my .xinitrc file, because if I don't
do this, Orca will not speak anywhere. Additionally, this morning
I updated qt-at-spi from AUR, and since then my QT apps don't
speak anymore, although I also put export QT_ACCESSIBILITY=1
environment variable, even inside my .xinitrc file. My Arch linux
is 64-bit, and I'm not sure if bugs with 64-bit environment and
QT-At-Spi were fixed or not. Thanks, Hrvoje 
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