Re: [orca-list] Strange voice interaction with thunderbird and echo by word...???

Well, same thing's happening now with latest arch package of the tor-browser, 4.0 I think it is, us9ing mate 
desktop/not tried any other GUI yet., 
The system voice is again using my alt voice that is only configured to work with the caja filemanager at the 
I'll report more as I discover more. So far I don't think this has happened with stock firefox.

On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 05:02:05PM -0500, B. Henry wrote:
I was working on a couple new voices for espeak last night and decided to put one to use right away to 
break the routine of constantly listening to the 
same voice for just about everything. 
I configured orca to use thhis alt voice for caja via app specific orca configuration in the standard maner 
after pressing orca control spacebar. It 
works fine and as I let caja manage my desktop both in mate and in fluxbox I hear it a lot reading the 
three icons and any files and folders I have in 
my Desktop dir. I've _not configured this voiceto speak anywhere else, so I was quite surprised to hear it 
while using thunderbird. 
This only occurs when I'm replying to a message, and then it appears only to speak words when I hit enter 
or spacebar, i.e. echo by word. This happens 
both when using mate and fluxbox on arch-linux with latestupdates to just about everything installed, and a 
two day old version of orca from git master. 
Any thoughts as to what could be going on here anyone? 
In a bit I'll change my orca prefs for caja to use my normal default voice and see if this clears up, and 
can''t think of much else to do. 

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