Re: [orca-list] Alternative for launching Orca Preferences?

Thanks, this will help me, but there's a larger issue here somewhat realated to the conversation at hand.
I wrote to this list a few weeks ago re the fact that I have notbeen able to open orca prefs, nor use some of 
the other orca keybindings when I use 
fluxbox as my GUI environment. I use several mate packages to make this more than just a WM, and besides 
being lightning fast and the most thrifty GUI 
I've ever seen except for ratpoison which for me is much less efficient to use, mostly provides good 
accessability with a few helpers and work arounds.
At least one person has not had this issue, but I can't figure out what they are doing different. I can 
access ap specific prefs in fluxbox, but the 
global ones have never opened. Yes, on the same hardware/arch installation I have no issues with global prefs 
or other keybindings when using Mate, 
XFCE, etc. 
Other actions that have not worked for me are checking battery state, time or date, and at least one more 
that's slipping my mind at the moment. 
If I asked and forgot I'm sorry, but a question for Trev Sawnders; I'm thinking you run fluxbox on debian, is 
this correct? 
I'm wondering if there could be something distro specific with some xorg package that is causeing my lack of 
some functionality here.
I'm unfamiliar with orca debugging, but will take a look and see if I can figure anything useful out. 
Hopefully there are some tips on the wiki re this.

On Mon, Oct 06, 2014 at 10:36:54AM -0430, Luis Gonz?lez wrote:
Well, if you run "orca -s" in terminal, the Orca's preferences window
will be opened.

2014-10-06 10:16 GMT-04:30, Janina Sajka <janina rednote net>:
Is there an alternative to [Orca]+Spacebar? Perhaps something from the
terminal window?

Or, am I putting out a RFE?

My situation is my Macbook-based VMware Orca machine. I currently do not
have an
independent way to launch Orca Preferences in this vm. I have checked
with VMware Technical Support. It's possible to map the Ins key to
something, but doing so requires using a mouse. This is why I'm looking
for an alternative.




Janina Sajka,       Phone:  +1.443.300.2200
                    sip:janina asterisk rednote net
            Email:  janina rednote net

Linux Foundation Fellow
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Luis F. Gonz?lez V.
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