[orca-list] braille does not work with "tty = 7" in settings.py in arch

Hi List,

I have an question. I use orca with braille. But for getting this work i need to change the some stuff in the settings.py

here  a part of my file /usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/orca/settings.py
# Braille
tty = 0
enableBraille                  = True
in arch the desktop seems to run in tty 0. so i have to change this after every update. after i change this. everyting works.

1. why is this hardcoded and not just the current tty?
2. is there any possibilty to make it persisten over updates? maybe someting, like storeing this in my home config?

i can change it everytime, but maybe there is a more smart way.

greetings chrys

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