[orca-list] updating Gnome 3 in Debian

Hi all,

at university, we need to use Debian for a project. So, I installed it on a laptop to verify its 
accessibility. However, I found out that Debian wheezy ships with Gnome 3.4.

Since I’ve been told that between Gnome 3.4 and Gnome 3.14 there have been a lot of accessibility 
enhancements, I’d like to upgrade the Gnome version installed in my Debian. Could you give me any advice on 
the best way to proceed?

I tried adding the Wheezy-backports repository to apt, but after entering in terminal
apt-get -t wheezy-backports install gnome-shell
apt-get -t wheezy-backports install task-desktop
apt-get me tells me that the packages are up to date.

I tried adding the Vinux/Trusty PPA to apt-get, but when entering
apt-get update
and after that
apt-get upgrade
Debian informs me that it cannot find packages for Wheezy.

I read about apt-pinning, but a lot of people discouraged me to do it to avoid problems with my machine.

The last option I considered was installing Gnome after compiling it from source, but that’s an option I’d 
like to avoid: I would prefer to install already compiled binaries from the package manager.

Could you give me any advice, please? I don’t know what to do, but I need to absolutely upgrade Gnome hoping 
that accessibility has been enhanced, since in my current setup it’s half a disaster!

Thanks in advance for your help.


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