Re: [orca-list] Grub help

Hi Alex,
On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 03:32:29PM CEST, Alex Midence wrote:
Anyway, I can get
the thing to come up using a live cd image.  Are there config files I can
edit or something to get this working?

Without having a better idea of what is on screen when the machine boots from the disk, I am not entirely 
sure what the problem is, so at this point, you may need to re-install the grub boot loader itself. At this 
point, I am assuming this is a legacy MBR system, i.e not using EFI. You will need to mount the root (and 
boot partition if you have one) belonging to the installed Ubuntu system, and chroot into the install and 
re-install the bootloader. So, assuming you have an install of Ubuntu on the first disk connected to your 

sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
cd /mnt
sudo mount -t proc proc proc
sudo mount -o bind /dev dev
sudo chroot . dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc
sudo umount dev proc

Then you should be able to reboot, and hopefully things wil boot properly.


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