[orca-list] Heads up: App preferences now use the settings manager's backend

Hey all.

As you may recall, a while back Orca's preferences and associated
configuration began using Orca's settings manager (so user-settings.py
became user-settings.conf). However, this change had not been made for
Orca's app preferences and associated configuration. As of this evening,
that change has been made.

Having Orca's settings manager manage all settings in the same fashion
means less code and fewer sad hacks. (Orca is 1500 lines of code lighter
now, and a couple of bugs have been fixed in the process.) But more
importantly, this change is a prerequisite step to managing settings via
GSettings which is a prerequisite step to moving configuration over to
the Control Centers of desktop environments.

This was, however, a non-trivial change. There are undoubtedly bugs.
From last cycle you should know the drill. <smiles> But as a reminder
just in case: Yes, I do care about all bugs you find as you test. But I
really, really, really care about regressions. Therefore, if you find a
bug, please also include in your report whether or not the bug is a
regression introduced by this change.

What may jump out at you most immediately is the fact that your old *.py
app-specific preferences are not loaded by Orca master. This does not
constitute a regression. I've not yet made an importer to go from the
old *.py to the json backend's *.conf. For those of you who find this
unacceptable, master might not be right for you at the moment. Those of
you who don't mind re-configuring your app-specific settings, testing is

The other thing you might notice is that the General page now shows up
for app preferences. As a result, you can now customize things like the
date and time format on an app-by-app basis. I still have work to do to
get profiles properly configurable within the app preferences dialog, so
for now the profile-related controls within the app preferences dialogs
are disabled.

Thanks in advance for your testing!

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