Re: [orca-list] installing gnome with unity already on my system.

Hi Derek,

Yes, it is completely possible to do that. Basically, you can open
gnome-terminal and do an apt-get to install gnome. When the system
restarts, assuming you chose to keep LightDM as your default display
manager, bring up orca with super+shift+s, and then set Gnome as your
default desktop. Alternatively you can also edit the LightDM or GDM
configurations manually to set Gnome as your default desktop.

However, I suggest in the future you might want to check out Ubuntu
Gnome, which is a
derivative of Ubuntu, which comes with Gnome installed by default
instead of Unity.


On 5/11/14, derek riemer <Derek Riemer colorado edu> wrote:
Is it possible for a blind person to replace gnome with unity? Unity
comes by default on ubuntu, but I want to replace it with gnome without
sighted assistance after the reboot of the system after i install gnome.


    Derek Riemer

Department of Computer science Undergrad, proud CILA member, music
lover, and much more.

"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed
until it is faced." - James Baldwin

email me at derek riemer colorado edu <mailto:derek riemer colorado edu>
Phone: (303) 906-2194

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