[orca-list] A dialog not read in groups.live.com

Hello all,

Using the standard version of Orca installed in Ubuntu 13.10, I
observed one difficult in terms of accessibily.

For this test, it's necessary a Microsoft account. I was trying to
create a group in: groups.live.com.

After having login in my account, I search for two text entries: the
first to name a new group; the second to define the address of the
group. Imidiately after, it's shown the "create group" button. All
these options are shown in the first screen of groups.live.com.

When I press "create group", Orca only reads "cancel link". Using JAWS
at the computer in office, I verify this is a dialog saying that the
name of the group already existis or confirming the information to
create the group.

I don't know, but I think this is a "alert" dialog of Javascript. If I
am right, this error is present everywhere, not only in
groups.live.com. As I have considered important to relate it, I wrote
to you.

Best regards,


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