Re: [orca-list] possible fix for inaccessible apps

Hello Doug:

No, that would go against the accessibility philosophy of Orca and
Gnome. Orca does not use any video intercept drivers of any kind, the
way Jaws or Window-Eyes do on Windows, and relies on the app to
properly reveal the proper GUI components to Orca via ATK and At-spi.
In other words instead of constantly updating the screen reader to
support this or that app the way Windows screen readers do the Linux
accessibility model puts the balk of the accessibility on the app
itself, and if there is a program you want to use that isn't
accessible then you need to contact its developers and tell him/her
what they need to do to improve access.


On 2/3/14, Doug Smith <savant-technopath cyber-wizard com> wrote:

I hope this is ok to post on here, but I have a possible fix for those
apps which just won't work with orca.  Somehow, the program appears to
know what some of these programs are and that it cannot access them in
their present state.  It will give the name of the offending app and say
"inaccessible." I was wondering if it would be possible to switch to
video intercept on only these apps and return to ordinary accessibility
stack events for the ones that produce the right events.  This is just a
suggestion, as I haven't yet learned enough python to hack any of the
source code for orca or I would do it myself and run the tests.

Just wondering if this would work.

Doug Smith: Special Agent
S.W.A.T  Spiritual Warfare and Advanced Technology
Forever serving our LORD and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST.

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