[orca-list] Opening Firefox Before Starting Orca...

        Hello, everyone!

I do not know if this has previously been reported, but I have noticed that if I open an instance of Firefox before starting Orca, Orca does not seem to be able to read anything in that instance of Firefox. If I close the previously opened instance of Firefox and then open a new instance, Orca is able to read just fine.

This is taking place in GNOME Shell 3.10 on Fedora 20.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. From the gNOME Shell Desktop, with Orca turned off, press ALT+F2.
2. type in "firefox", omitting the quotation marks, and then press ENTER to launch Firefox.
3. Press ALT+Super+S to activate Orca.
4. Try to navigate your homepage with Orca.

In my case, there is absolutely no speech in Firefox whatsoever.

If Orca is running before Firefox is opened, all is well.

Is this a known issue (if it is even an issue)? If not, can anyone confirm this?

Thanks, and take care!

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