Re: [orca-list] Some questions

Hola Luis,
You do have a mixed bag here, will try and answer a few.

On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 10:57:07AM -0430, Luis González wrote:
1. Is it possible to install/compile current versions of Orca under
gnome 2 based distros? e.g. CentOS 6.5, Ubuntu 10.04, etc.
Generally no, there are dependencies that are pretty much not doable. Those distros are no longer very 
supported anyway. 
Actually, not even Ubuntu precise can use lateest orca versions.
Gnome2 needs the xdesktop branch of orca, and the last one of those was 3.1.9 something, or maybe 3.2. I only 
have 3.9.1 I 
think it is, but those are much better than the 2.3 orca versions that came on those distros, much better 
with firefox, 
and many other programss.

2. Is it possible to disable the message Orca speaks when it is
closed? ("Screen reader off"). I'd like Orca closes quietly. I could
assign a shortcut key to "killall orca", but I wouldn't be able to
assign Insert+q to perform that action.
I only sometimes even here that, usually shuts down too fast to hear it all anyway, but I don't knbow, 
probably could do 
so editing code, but no option for this as far as I know.

3. Is it possible to tells Orca what punctuation should be spoken and
what shoul not? If I set punctuation level to "All", Orca speaks *all*
punctuation, including commas. I'd like Orca to speaks almost
punctuation, but excluding commas and others I know they're there due
to the pronunciation.
Yes, depending on synth you can probably edit speech-dispatcher/modules files, can't remember if anything in 
speech-dispatcher.conf relates to this. Having punctuation pronounced in two different ways is not a Spanish 
only issue. 
I don't find this very high priority, so have not bothered to mess with it often, but again, either by 
working with orca 
dictionary or the synth's module file in speechdispatcher dir you can change how things are called. 

4. When orca reads symbols like "·", it seems to read them on two
different ways, depending whether it's reading character by character
or another way. For instance, I'm using the Spanish voice; when I
write a "·" symbol, Orca speaks "middledot" (English); but when I read
that symbol, Orca speaks "punto centrado" (middledot in Spanish). Can
I avoid this behaviour? In addition, I think it's a bug, so if we can
fix it, it would be nice. I don't have a handy English installation to
make tests and find an English example, but I'll try to do it this
I'm not sure about whether this is part of intended behavior that may need default adjustment, or if it's a 
outright bug. 
See above for possible fixes, not sure what will be effedcted, i.e. whether typing echo or reading 
pronunciation will be 
effected, although I've played with this years ago.
What synth are you using for Español?
Saludos de Oaxaca, Mx.

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