Re: [orca-list] Why flat review was causing focus losses in GNOME 3.9.x

On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 07:03:28AM EST, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hey all.

I don't know how many of you have been testing GNOME 3.9.x, but you may
have noticed that weird things happened when you tried to flat review a
window, including that window losing focus. The source of the problem
turned out to be a stupid, hacky debugging tool that drew a red line
under the item being flat reviewed. Since this is not a feature of Orca
and since it causes problems now, I've just removed it. Flat review now
works as expected again. Phew!

From what you have written here, am I correct in my assessment that there is no longer any visual queues  to 
the position of the flat review cursor? If so, that is a pitty.

I can accept that it was a debugging tool and a hack, but we should probably consider adding some form of 
visual queue for flat review, for cases where a sighted person may be working with one who is using Orca, and 
would like a visual queue to what the orca user is reviewing. I know VoiceOver has visual queues, I am not 
sure about Windows screen readers and whether they have such options.


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