[orca-list] intro/mixed-case voice/e-speak variants


Tony Hernandez here, a new Orca user and a new Vinux user transitioning from Windows for personal computing, though for work I still must use Windows due to required software. Can't win 'em all. Lol. Thanks to the moderator for approving me to join.

I'm very pleased with Orca. It's very clear that a lot of thought and attention has gone into this screen reader with keen awareness of the needs and preferences of end users. Thank you. It's as good as any commercial screen reader I've ever used and in some points better.

Is it possible to have Orca use a distinct voice announce mixed case words in the same way it announces words in all-caps, i.e., words that begin with capital letters, such as at the beginning of a sentence or a proper noun, and/or have embedded capital letters in them, such as words that are functions in programming source code?

Also, is there a way to get variants for e-Speak voices?

Again, please accept my thanks to the developers for making Orca what it is. It's taken me very little time to learn this screen reader and start using it very effectively.


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