Re: [orca-list] [Support] A Brief Visit with GNOME 3.10

I would also welcome some guidance regarding wifi setup. I haven't posted about it earlier because I am stil trying to make it work. For example with a place with many networks in range how do I choose my network of choice and how do I use the connect button then? According to my experience when hitting connect button it tries to connect to the last selected network not the network which button was last pressed.

Also arrowing in the calendar view is working however pressing one of the buttons representing individual days do nothing. Is this useable somehow yet?



On 11.10.2013 23:37, D. A. H. wrote:

The OpenSUSE 13.1 release candidate is out; for the live builds, go to

You'll find iso files and check-sums.

This release offers GNOME 3.10, among its improvements.

I booted the thing up and waited until I had sound. Once it was ready, I adjusted volume with the media keys. That done, I tried the 'super+alt+s' key, to start orca. Besides a bit of drie action, nothing seemed to happen. I started orca from the 'run' dialogue. This worked. I set my preferences. That done, I hit 'alt+super+s', just to see what happens. The screen reader toggled off, almost immediately; this is great! I toggled it back on, which seemed to take about 10 seconds. Three additional such cycles were identical. Next, I did some exploration of the top bar; Wow, that's now very compact! Wifi connections wa the first applet I tried to use; it's a branch on a tree called 'settings'. I could find my networks, each represented by a push-button. I couldn't find signal strength, frequency, or any status indicator for whether the network is open or secured. There doesn't seem to be any indication of which network is selected, or pressed, when I press the buttons. Once a network is selected, the 'connect' button becomes available, and can be focused with the 'tab' key; is that how it's supposed to work? I got my password prompt, once I selected my network. After I entered the key, there was no spoken notification that the network was connected; I just launche a web browser (firefox 24, in this case). It worked; Yay!

Tweak tool has a different feel, and some users might take a bit getting acustomed to it. The 'usual suspects' seem to be there and tweakable. I turned on the esktop icons, for this exercise. Home and Trash showed up, but there was no apparent way to add Computer and Network Servers icons. Is this to be expected?

I don't know how the Music and Calendar applets are supposed to work. Opening Music didn't seem to be a feature-rich experience. I suppose the calendar is that top-bar item that orca thinks is a menu, with today's date as its title? I hit something like a "View Calendar" option, and the Evolution setup wizard started. Does this program now work?

I haven't decided whether to try an installation of this new OpenSUSE, but did try using YaST. When I try to launch a YaST module from the panel, orca goes quiet. I can launch a module from the command line; This ersion is still using YaST2; does this mean YaST3 is still not ready?

Thanks for listening,

Dave  H.

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