Re: [orca-list] Aria-hidden: confirmation in newer Orcas?

An update,
I had completely forgottne about Epiphany, haven't used it since I
installed everything on this machine.

I've got Epiphany 3.4.1 and I can't navigate in it, I only hear
the name of the key I hit. If I hit a key and stop SayAll, I can
restart it where it left off, and saying current line is always

But so I tried just with SayAll and got these results with old
Orca 3.4.2:

1. Pass (in webkit, Orca does listen to aria-hidden and does not
announce text)
2. Pass
3. Pass
4. Pass
5. Fail (does not read out text removed from the screen even though
aria-hidden is set to False)
6. Fail (same thing)
7. Pass (Orca obeying aria-hidden="True")

So in Firefox, Orca's just reading everything except display: none
and HTML attribute "hidden" stuff. It's ignoring aria-hidden entirely.

In Epiphany, Orca's also not reading out anything with aria-hidden
set to true (which is good, this is what it should do).

I'm not sure there'd be a difference here if I could navigate Epiphany
instead of SayAll, but confirmation would be appreciated.
I did get an Orca 3.10.x user who replied and it seems the results are
the same, but the differences between the states is a bit confusing
if you're not a web developer. I regret that the text seems confusingly
written, because after the test text comes the actual HTML code, which
you always hear.

If all tests are PASS:
1. You should hear nothing between heading level 3 and heading level
4 ("code") and the text should appear on the screen. This is the only
test where the test text can be seen.
2. You should hear nothing in that area.
3. You should hear nothing in that area.
4. You should hear "test position:absolute;left:-9999px" before "code".
5. You should hear the "test html5 hidden" before "code".
6. You should hear the "test display:none" before "code".
7. You should hear the "test 7 position:absolute;left:-9999px
aria-hidden="true" before "code".

Interesting differences between browsers!

On Sat, Nov 30, 2013 at 03:01:34PM +0100, Mallory van Achterberg wrote:
Hey guys,

The mighty Steve Faulkner has put up a sort of status-update
on aria-hidden HTML properties for us web devs, to show
that browser and AT support is slowly getting better. What he
did not have was Orca or Window-Eyes results.

I'm still running Precise, I still have Orca 3.4.2 and since this
is my work computer where compiz and everything else seems
slightly unstable, I don't dare upgrade Gnome or anything. In 
fact, launching Orca always gets me compiz crash alerts.

Anyway I want to ask if someone running a newer Orca, like 3.8.x
could go through Steve's test page and see if you get the same
results as me: aria-hidden doesn't seem to mean anything in Orca
in Firefox 24 (Steve said it was fine that I couldn't test FF 25).

Here's his post:

Here's the test page, it's pretty easy to go through it:

First is a list of AT/browsers he did manage to test, and then a
table showing the results. So the second column shows what you
should get if everything passes.

I got
1. Fail (aria-hidden doesn't hide content from Orca)
2. Pass (HTML 'hidden' attribute hides content)
3. Pass (display: none hides content)
4. Pass (off-screen CSS positioning, still hear content though that
should be *negative* 9999px)
5. Fail (aria-hidden set to false doesn't reveal content to Orca)
6. Fail (same as above)
7. Fail (aria-hidden doesn't hide content from Orca)

5 and 6 are failing in two other screen readers in Firefox 25 while 1
passes so these could be Firefox letting other hiding techniques 
override aria-hidden, but if Orca 3.8.x has different results it
could mean something else.

This is just a nice-to-know for developers, otherwise Steve will still
get my results at least and we all know Joanie's doing a big
overhaul of Absolutely Everything so it might also be worthwhile to
worry about testing these a few versions later. But it would be
nice to know where bleeding-edge is right now on this.

Thanks in advance.

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