Re: [orca-list] keystroke problem: number pad slash and star

:I'm trying to join a channel using instructions I was pointed to. My comments are after the ones I've copied here.

Join the #freeculture IRC channel

Select Buddies » Add Group... and make the name of the group IRC. Click ADD.

I was able to do this. I forget whether I used clicking instead of more normal keystrokes.

Check Buddies » Show Empty Groups to make the IRC group you just created visible.

This was where I got stuck. It seemed I had to click to get the menu, and, incidentally, didn't find "show empty groups".

Thanks again if you can help me get this straight.

On 11/19/2013 10:49 AM, Christopher Chaltain wrote
What in Pidgin are you trying to do? I use it on Vinux, a Ubuntu 12.04
distribution running Orca 3.4.2, and I don't think I ever need to
emulate a mouse click with Orca, except when clicking on a link in a
chat history.

On 11/19/2013 08:28 AM, Al Sten-Clanton wrote:

I'm trying to get set up with Pidgin.  There are points in this that
seem to require using number pad slash for clicking like a mouse. I've
found that after using the key once or twice, the next use switches me
to "window" or another program I'm running. I then tried using number
pad asterisk for clicking.  It worked once, then also did the old
program switcharoo.

I went into Orca preferences, generally and for Pidgin.  I was able to
retrieve the clicking behavior, once, anyway, but the problem quickly

I haven't seen this behavior outside Pidgin, but don't use those keys
much.  I first saw it last week.

I'm using Fedora 19 and Orca 3.8.1.

Thanks for any suggestions.

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