[orca-list] Orca Login Window Talks but Session Hasn't Talked yet.

        I built a wheezy system and enabled speakup in the
kernel so it has always chattered away in command-line mode but
I really wanted to get gnome working and have had a lot of
problems so far but I think I am very close.

        I read that orca and espeakup don't get along well so I
booted the system and hit the print-screen key as soon as I
heard the first word from speakup. That key kills speakup and
then, for the first time ever, I got the talking login for orca
that says, "Welcome to orca" and prompts for one's unix login.

        I enter that and a who output from a ssh session started
on another machine shows I am logged in to ttyS7 so I am logged
in. Of course, the who output also shows my login via the ssh
session so I am in, but I never can produce any more output
using the arrow keys or the tab. Occasionally, the system will
sputter after I hit a few keys, but it never has said anything
useful after I successfully log in.

        The remote ssh session still works and the system is
quite alive but my desktop doesn't talk any longer.

        Any ideas on what I should look for to keep the system
talking after the X login?

        I had originally built the system without enabling orca
by default but the debian wiki gave the following command in
wheezy which does appear to have worked when I ran it:

su -s /bin/sh -c 'eval $(dbus-launch)  ; export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS DBUS_SESSION_BUS_PID  ; 
GSETTINGS_BACKEND=dconf gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications screen-reader-enabled true' 
Debian-gdm || true 

Thanks for any constructive suggestions.

Martin McCormick

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