Re: [orca-list] Do I always need a graphical server/interface?

Hello Rusty!
OK, so you know, that Orca requires the GNOME environment, but you have BRLTTY, which works just fine on the commandline and you could also use speakup, which is a screenreader for the console. There is also the espeakup package, which uses the espeak Text To Speech engine, which you might have heard in a screenreader like NVDA. Firefox and nautilus need the desktop as well, for they are purely graphical programs. I mean, they are only meant for the graphical environment. But as far as I know, nautilus is mainly the file browser. So you can perform all of its duties on the commandline. Copying, moving, renaming, viewing and search your filesystem. There are a few commands, which you'd need to know, but it's possible and it's rather fast, once you get used to it. Faster in cases than on a desktop. Firefox is a browser right? If so, you can have a sort of a substitute on the commandline. But none of the commandline browsers support Javascript. It can be a bugger, if you have your typical sites and they use javascript. But for a quick google search, Wikipedia lookup or similar you might just get by nicely with links2 or elinks (which support a LITTLE javascript).
  Warm regards


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