Re: [orca-list] vinux

----- Original Message -----
From: Rob Whyte
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2013 5:34 PM
Subject: Re: [orca-list] vinux

Hi Isaac,

The first time you are presented with the Orca window alt tabbing should give you the option to install Vinux or try Vinux.
The install method will only give you access to the Ubiquity installer and no Desktop.
The second option trry Vinux will load a live desktop where you can see how it works and of course if desirable install Vinux from the Launcher or the desktop shortcut.

You can choose to enter Orca preferences and on the first tab which is general uncheck the  box labelled user interface show Orca main window.

If you choose this option you will have to use the modifier key plus space to get back in to the Orca preferences.
Be careful, as if you use a laptop you would need to first also change the keyboard layout in the Orca preferences to use laptop layout.
This way you can unilize the caps lock key as a modifier key instead of insert.

To your likely problem, to get to the desktop press Control + Windows + D, that will go to the desktop.
Windows key + F1 will open the Launcher.
The Windows key is usually referred to as the Super key in Linux.
The following links may help you:

Good luck and if you have further questions please consider subscribing to the Vinux support list, instructions are in another thread.

Rob Whyte

On 26/07/13 22:39, Isaac wrote:
Hi, how do I exit orca settings and start using orca in vinux, I seem to be stuck in the orca window, and I don't know how to get out of it, using the live cd

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