[orca-list] First steps with Vinux

Hello listers,
I am trying to migrate from Ubuntu 10.10 to Ubuntu 12.04. Vinux 4.0 seems to be a very good choice.
My doubt is about the network configuration. I found the following commands:

sudo ifconfig eth0 [ip] netmask [netmask] up
sudo route add default gw [gateway]
sudo cat /etc/resolv.conf | echo "nameserver [dns]" >> /etc/resolv.conf

I don't know if I am successul. After configuring the net work, it's necessary to enable it. In Ubuntu 10.10, in the inferior pannel, there is an icon where network preferences can be accessed and enabled. As Ubuntu 12.04 has interface completely different, I don't know where to find anything.
So, my questions are:
1. Is there some introdutory document I can read to understand how to navigate in Ubuntu 12.04 or Vinux 4.0? 2. Is there a commandline to enable a configured network? If not, which are the steps to do it by means of graphical interface?
3. Does Vinux 4.0 have the last version of Orca?

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