Re: [orca-list] Orca slowes down in Directory with many files in nautilus

Thanks for your answer :).
Sorry i forgotten to say the side panel is deactivated.
I tryed the Icon view. it seems to be more slow :/.
:/ any other ideas?
Am Donnerstag, den 17.01.2013, 20:20 -0600 schrieb Christopher Chaltain:
Try turning off the side panel and using icon mode.

On 17/01/13 18:59, Chris wrote:

Hi all,
I have the problem, Orca slows unusable down if i wanna browse my music
folder. in the folder are ca. 2000 files. i have the same problem on my
lower powerd notebook with 500 files.
Nautilus reacts "normal" or with an little delay (ca 0,5 sec, its ok).
But orca reads the filename if i move the cursor between 5 to  20 sec.
this make it unsable to browse the directory. 
there no thumbnails and i m in the listview. Is there something i can do
for a better performance?

Greetings chrys

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