[orca-list] One interesting feature that could be implemented in Orca

Hi all.

I found in speakup a feature that could be implemented in orca.
In speakup I can press speakup_key+ctrl+enter to mute it.
From this point everything that is shown on screen is not read by speakup, unless I press the same key sequence again.
Orca also has the same feature, activated by orca_key+s.
The difference is that even muted, if in speakup I press a review key, speakup performs the action related to the key pressed.
To clarify:
In speakup I press capslock+ctrl+enter to mute speakup.
At any time, if I press capslock + i, the contents of the current line will be read. In orca if I press capslock+s, orca stays completely mute, even if I try to use a review command.

It would be interesting to have this feature in Orca?
What would be difficult to implement this feature?

{}S Josà Vilmar EstÃcio de Souza

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