Re: [orca-list] How will be work the bug 513764 related new functions

Hi Attila.
The copy is made based in the laast flat review command.

If for exemple I use capslock+u to read the previous line and then I copy the content of flat review to the clipboard, the entire line is copied. If I use capslock+k to read the current item or word and copy the content of the flat review to clipbord, only the word will be copied.
Remember the there is a command to append to the clipboard too.
Hope that helps.

On 01/02/2013 02:28 PM, Hammer Attila wrote:

In Orca master branch bug 513764 related happened a commit.
When I doed the hungarian translation related local update, if I
understand right, new unbounded keybindings prowide possibility to copy
or append flat review content from flatreview to clipboard.
So, if an user associate any copy or append function related a key
binding, possible put entire flatreview content to clipboard, for
example an entire dialogue text? Or before press the associated
keystroke need selecting the wanted part in flat review?

The translators related comments writing for example following comment
the copy function related:
#. Translators: the 'flat review' feature of Orca
#. allows the blind user to explore the text in a
#. window in a 2D fashion.  That is, Orca treats all
#. the text from all objects in a window (e.g.,
#. buttons, labels, etc.) as a sequence of words in a
#. sequence of lines.  The flat review feature allows
#. the user to explore this text by the {previous,next}
#. {line,word,character}.  This command lets the user
#. copy the contents currently being reviewed to the
#. clipboard.

Very sorry if I asking trivial question this function related, but I
unable to test yet a fresh Orca master version with containing this
function. So after I read only translators comments not clear what steps
need doing if I want copying an entire dialogue screen content the

Anyway, I would like thank you every contributors this new feature

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{}S Josà Vilmar EstÃcio de Souza

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