Re: [orca-list] Getting and reading scanned images with Orca

Hi luciano,

You try for example ocrfeeder package, hopefuly your distribution this application awailable. This application succesfuly using for example the Tesseract, Cuneiform OCR engines. After you recognized the image or more images, have possibility to export the recognized document with PDF, txt and odt formats. The application generated odt format is not accessible with Orca. Under Vinux releases awailable the speedy-ocr application, I think this is true with Vinux 4.0 too. Depending your image language, for example need installing the tesseract-ocr-eng package if the image containing english text before you want using OcrFeeder.

An alternative way if you already installed the tesseract and language related Tesseract packages to run following command in terminal:
tesseract imagename output file -l language

My experiences if an image containing for example two pages (for example a scanned book often happening this if both two page putted in the scanner during scan), increasing the OCR quality if you using the -psm 1 option.

Tesseract supports more languages, Cuneiform I think support few languages.


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