Re: [orca-list] running two versions of orca

Peter Rayner <prayner unimelb edu au> wrote:
I'd like to track the current master but also have a stable fallback,
probably the current fedora release. Is there a way to select among
different versions of orca to run? I'm happy to start these manually.

I suppose there's the well established technique of having the packaged
version under /usr and the experimental version under /usr/local. At that
point it all depends on how you're running Orca. For example, if you have a
desktop file under your home directory that invokes Orca, you can edit it to
refer to a different executable, viz., /usr/local/bin/orca.

My ~/.config/autostart/orca.desktop includes the line:
Exec=orca --replace

which I suspect you could change to /usr/local/bin/orca if you wanted, or just
change $PATH in the right place. If you aren't starting Orca from a desktop
file under $HOME, I'm not sure where you'll need to make the appropriate

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