[orca-list] Fwd: Re: [Espeak-general] lois voice extension

info on the lois voice. could this voice be added to orca?


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Espeak-general] lois voice extension
Date: Sun, 1 Dec 2013 12:54:30 +0000
From: Reece Dunn <msclrhd googlemail com>
To: Josh <joshknnd1982 gmail com>
CC: Ch-L <llajta gmx us>, espeak-general <espeak-general lists sourceforge net>

On 30 November 2013 15:50, Josh <joshknnd1982 gmail com> wrote:
> hi
> I wonder could this free open source lois voice be added or an espeak
> frontend be created?

As can be seen from the description on the Chrome Store:

    This voice is a US English female voice, based on the open-source
    Pico speech engine.

Therefore, it would be better to build from the Pico source. The
source code is available at https://github.com/rhdunn/svox, which
contains the modifications from the Debian Accessibility team. Those
modifications (patches) have been applied in the
https://github.com/eeejay/svox repository.

I have made some code cleanups to the pico2wave program created by the
Debian Accessibility team as well as adding a README.md file and
improving the build scripts.

If you are interested in using the Pico/Lois text-to-speech engine on
Linux, you can install it on a Debian-based system or other LInux
system that supports it (I haven't checked the other distributions).

If you want to use Pico/Lois in a more friendly way -- like you use
espeak -- you can use my Cainteoir Text-to-Speech program
(https://github.com/rhdunn/cainteoir-engine, with a Gtk+-based GUI
provided by https://github.com/rhdunn/cainteoir-gtk) which works with
the Debian version of Pico. This also supports reading many different
document formats, including HTML, ePub, RTF and PDF.

NOTE: The Pico integration with Cainteoir Text-to-Speech does not
currently support controlling the speech rate, pitch or volume as I
haven't figured out how to control these through the SVOX API yet.

- Reece H. Dunn (Cainteoir Technologies) [http://reecedunn.co.uk]

> link for it is.
> http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/u9c52d
> Josh
> --
> sent from my windows 7 laptop
> --
> sent from my windows 7 laptop
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