Re: [orca-list] Help with running orca on Ubuntu 13 and/or centos 6

The first problem is getting the brltty working.
How do I know that the brltty is working or not?
I was told that first brltty should work and only then
I should try to run Orca.
And if I am able to determine that brltty is working then how do I tell
Orca to work with brltty?


On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 11:55 AM, Thomas Ward <thomasward1978 gmail com> wrote:
Hello Josh,

If running Ubuntu 13 all you need to do is press super+control+s to
bring up Orca, or you can bring up the dash with the super key and
type  orca and press enter to load speech.

It has been a while since I have played around with CentOS, but
assuming Gnome 2.x is installed once the desktop is loaded do alt+f2,
type orca, and press enter.


On 11/30/13, Josh Roden <joshroden gmail com> wrote:
> Hi
> How can I run Orca on these distros?
> I heard that drltty must run also so as to connect braille display.
> Please help me.
> Thanks,
> Joosh

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