Re: [orca-list] Speech Problems in Gnome Terminal and Console

A recent article made the point that external hard drives that are not 
solid state drives have cheap data coating on them which means those 
drives were not designed to last any longer than five years.  Every 
drive that lasts for more than five years is a manufacturer's mistake.  
In short, you bet the farm, you well could end up buying the farm.

On Sat, 3 Aug 2013, Christopher Chaltain wrote:

Hard drives may fail in the first five years, but I have plenty of hard drives
that have lasted longer than that, so they can definitely last longer than
five years.

The spinning up and down of hard drives when they're powered on and off is the
most stressful thing a hard drive does. When I managed a lab of several
hundred machines, most of our hard drive failures were when powering the drive
up. I'd leave a drive running if you need it or think you'd need it and power
it off if you don't. I wouldn't worry much about it one way or the other.
They're meant to be used.

Keeping a hard drive off the network will make it more secure, but it's as
safe as the operating system it's being attached to. Again, I wouldn't go
through great lengths keeping a drive off of the network unless I was
attaching it to an old version of Windows where the security updates had
gotten behind.

On 08/03/2013 06:02 AM, Jude DaShiell wrote:
The 101 on external hard drives goes this way.
1) external hard drives will live for a maximum of five years before
dying even with the best of care due to the low quality data coating on
the disks.
2) best possible care of external hard drives includes keeping them off
unless a backup or restore operation is needed.
3) external hard drives should never be attached to a system during
4) preparation of an external hard drive needs to happen while no
network resources are active to prevent it from being infested with

5) backup and restore operations need to happen with no network resources
active best disconnected.
Probably some points I forgot but this is what I was taught about external
hard drives and their care from those who work with them professionally
every day and who passed their knowledge along to me.

Hey There,

I know that I broached this subject in the recent past, but I
needsmust have another go at it, if I may be briefly indulged. My
boot-log somehow switched over to my external hard-drive without
my permission and/or knowledge. Since I was unaware of the
recalcitrant and self-willed miscreant's defection, I wasn't even
aware of the problem, much less how to go about solving it
without extensive troubleshooting. I mean, of course I was aware
of a problem; my machine wouldn't boot up. I'm just playing
bloody hell figuring out why and what to do about it.

For the first time ever, I find that Orca refuses to read most of
the screens in alpine or several other commandline utilities.
They have heretofore performed this function for me without any
trouble what-so-ever. I absolutely can not get orca to allow me
total freedom in pine or alpine, and I can not figure out how to
remedy this matter.

I thought that perhaps firing up a console by means of
"orca+ctrl+space" would allow me to make some sort of palliative
adjustments; nothing doing. This is because I can not figure out
how to load speech-dispatcher and get it talking. When ever I
load a console, orca goes on vacation, AWOL as you might say. I
am then bereft of speech output. I can log into the console
readily enough, but I'm dead in the water afterwards.

I would be most sincerely thankful for any help I might be able
to obtain here. I would be most especially grateful to once more
be capable of operating in terminal mode as apposed to in a
console, if possible. I am most dreadfully sorry to address the
same issue twice in such a short time, but I really haven't any
choice in the matter. Please bear with me, kind reader, and
perhaps I'll not be faced with this most odious of necessities in
the near future at least.


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