Re: [orca-list] Fonts in ubuntu/windows

It's been a while since I messed with css.  However, it seems I
remember being able to use percentages instead of actual pixel sizes
for things.  You may want to try this question on the blind
programmers list.  I'm sure one of those guys will have a much more
insightful and helpful reply for you on this question.

Alex M

On 9/24/12, Andy B. <sonfire11 gmail com> wrote:
I am working on a web project. I noticed that the fonts in Ubuntu are not
even close to the ones in windows. For instance, a heading level 1 in
windows is arial 17pt. The same heading in Ubuntu is liberation sans 13pt.
since it seems like the heading is displayed in a larger font size/style
than Ubuntu, it seems like it would mix up the entire screen, and I would
have to recalculate everything/take into account for all types of Oss. Can
someone explain the font style/size difference?

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