Re: [orca-list] About a new extension: clipboard notification

On 09/18/2012 09:53 PM, S. Massy wrote:
On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 06:23:06PM +0200, PiÃeiro wrote:
So these days I was implementing a small extension called "Clipboard
Notification". What it does right now:
  * When the content of the PRIMARY clipboard changes it sends a
accessible notification.
  * The content of that notification is the following:
     * If the text has less that 20 words: "Clipboard: <all the text>"
     * If the text has 20 words or more: "Clipboard: X words copied to
the clipboard"

We (Joanmarie and me) have tested it with GNOME Shell 3.4 and 3.6 (the
next release of GNOME) and Orca expose it properly. In order to install
it, you just need to go to the extensions page:
I mak'd/make install'd, reloaded X, but see no difference. Does the
extension need be enabled in a specific way?

Yes the extension needs to be enabled. Anyway, make install? where did
you got the extension? From the gitorious repository directly? The
gitorious repository is only intended to be a place to keep developing
the extension, and I fear that right now it not possible to install the
extension just using the repository. And anyway, in the case of being
possible to use the repository, I never saw a "git clone;make;make
install" really user friendly. This is the same reason I uploaded the
extension to, that is user-targeted.

FWIW, if your browser supports, you can install and
also activate the extension from the webpage itself.


Alejandro PiÃeiro Iglesias

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