[orca-list] Orca on my Fedora 17: big-time key problem


I've been using my new Linux machine with some decent luck since Sunday. It's running Fedora 17, as the subject line says, and Orca 3.4 something. I presume the version of Gnome is essentially the same.

This morning, somehow, the keystrokes screwed up. When I hit the spacebar, for example, I get Orca preferences; even then, I must hit escape to actually get to the various preferences. When I hit the letter t by itself, I often get the time, and this should require using the Orca key. The pass-through should require the Orca key plus the backspace, but pressing the backspace alone does this today. In order to type a command, I had to precede each of its keystrokes with the backspace. All of this has made using that machine mighty difficult.

I seem to have been using Firefox when this occurred. I do not know how it happen, though. I checked the list of key bindings for Orca, and all seemed as it should.

Any help would be very greatly appreciated.  Thanks!


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