Re: [orca-list] A list for general blindness Linux discussion.

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On 11/08/2012 06:08 PM, Kyle wrote:
According to Luke Yelavich:
# IvI've noticed a bit of chatter lately that can be considered off
topic for this list, since this list is for Orca discussion. If you
would like to talk about accessibility and linux in general, perhaps
discussion should be moved over to the Blinux list. This list is
currently rather quiet, and it would be nice to see general linux and
blindness discussion moved there.

Quite understandable, and not a problem at all for me. As a matter of
fact, the Blinux list has been online for a very long time, hosted by
the good folks at Redhat, and I also am a member. There was a bit of a
spam issue over the last couple of days, but I believe they've mostly
solved the problem, and things are very much back to normal. It would
be great to see more active discussion about general blind/Linux
issues on that list and it's good that you mention it here, as I'm not
sure that many of us were aware that the Blinux list is online for
exactly that purpose.
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