[orca-list] Lios bug fixed and Released as 1.5.1. also source made available !


Lios is a free and open source software for converting print in to
text using either scanner or a camera, It can also produce text out of
scanned images from other sources such as Pdf, Image or Folder
containing Images. Program is given total accessibility for visually
impaired. Lios is written in python, and we release it under GPL3
license. Lios will work with Debian based operating systems. There are
great many possibilities for this program, Feedback is the key to it,
Expecting your feedback Nalin x Linux Gmail com

Debfile http://code.google.com/p/linux-intelligent-ocr-solution/downloads/list

Source http://code.google.com/p/linux-intelligent-ocr-solution/source/browse/
*Mob : +919446012215

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