Re: [orca-list] Vertual Machines with Linux

I'm sure Mo's instructions are more complete than what I'm going to say
here, but basically you can go to VMware's web site and download the
installer for the distro you're using, make sure the installer is
executable and then run it as root.

On 13/05/12 15:05, Mobeen Iqbal wrote:

Do you already have access to a CD of windows XP? have a listen to this
guide i recorded on how to acomplish this.

You won't find it in the software center. If you don't have VM player, i
may also have to send you a copy. Get in touch off list if you need more
assistance and i'll be happy to help, i.e putting together a vm ready
for use etc.


On 13/05/2012 20:20, Dominique wrote:
How do I install something like Vmware player on Vinux?
I want to run Windows vertualy and wonder how could I do this?

I typed in Vmware on Ubuntu Software center, but did not see Vmware

Christopher (CJ)
chaltain gmail com

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