[orca-list] AT-spi 2.4.1 crashes the entire user interface


I ended up getting some recent proposed updates for Ubuntu 12.04. One of them included at-spi2-core(2.4.1). Since then, I have been getting crashes quite often. On one instance, I was trying to make a post in class. The post form has a frame on it, and the website has multiple instances of flash on it. When I went to the form, copied the post from Writer 3.5.1, and went to paste it into the edit frame, the entire firefox window became inaccessible. Now, every time I start the computer, I get reports that at-spi2-core 2.4.1 crashed with some registrant issue (what that means, I don't know). Since I use voxin, when this happens all of the text gets inverted capped. For example, aPPLICATIONS instead of applications; iCOn instead of icon; ecLIpse instead of eclipse, maIl instead of mail, and so on. Now what do I do? I installed qt-at-spi:i386 for skype.

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